What does OM TELOLET OM mean?

"Om" is a common calling for uncle or a male stranger who is in their adult year ( most bus driver here is male) "Telolet" is the sound of blasting bus horn. So it's alost like "sir please press your horn sir" Om telolet om is basically how we - Indonesians - shout at bus drivers and request them to blast their horn at us. It is trending right now and we do not know why ...

Anonymously Auto Download

Are you having a problem with always download but we do not know what is the problem? here is the one of the ways to fix that problem. The problem is Click-to-run of Microsoft office is downloading by itself. You can disable it by open Task Manager - Click-To-Run - and then double click it, after that u can see an sub file from click to run. then right click and choose STOP. Do...

Can't upload and change twitter background (Resolved)

Don't use Themeleon. Still didn't work to me to use that. Now let me explain how to make it work. Log in to twitter and go to settings.Go to design and choose the image you want for your background image. Make sure it meets the size requirements then click save changes. You will get a message at the top saying customization blah blah blah. but your background image hasn't appeared yet. Now go to profile tab, scroll down and click save changes. Your image should appear :) Works on Google chrome. Follow me if this helped. @ikidin...

Cara Membaca Barcode UNAS

Mau UNAS? Lagi bingung? Soal Apa? Soal Kode? Kodenya gimana? Kode UNAS nya pake acara di barcode? Trus solusimu apa? Yaaaap UNAS taun ini emang sangat susah untuk melakukan kecurangan, maka dari itu banyak universitas akan 100% percaya pada hasil UNAS taun ini, mendapatkan nilai bagus pada UNAS adalah hal yang susah. Bukan cuma hasil UNAS yang diperhitungkan masuk universitas tetapi juga rapot mulai semester 1 sampai semester 5! Jadi, semangat aja buat belajarnya! Oh iya, kembali ke topik utama. Cara Membaca Barcode Ujian Nasional Ada dua jenis barcode, yaitu barcode 2D ...

Level Bintang Modoo Netmarble Monopoly

Modoo Marble memiliki 7 level yang akan menentukan seberapa ahli kamu bermain. Kamu bisa meningkatkan terus kekayaanmu agar kamu mencapai level yang lebih tinggi. Level LevelKekayaan (Marble) Beginner 0 Amateur 30 Semipro 100 Pro 300 Expert 1.000 Master 2.000 King 3.000 Channel Channel Minimal Marble Awal Bronze 0 2.000.000 Silver30.000.0005.000.000 Gold100.000.00015.000.000 Diamond500.000.00040.000.000 FreeTidak ada batasan2.000.000 ※ Beginer Channel: Merupakan tempat bagi pemain yang memiliki Marble kurang dari 30 M sampai dengan 100 M. Bila pemain memiliki Marble lebih dari 100 M, maka dia harus masuk ke channel berikutnya....

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